My name is Monica Nascimento, I am the parent of two adult musicians. I’ve
been asked to share my perspective on what music brought my daughters.
First some background, my eldest is now 21, she started
playing piano at age 6 and is currently studying to be a music therapist. My
youngest just turned 18 and has been playing violin since 6, she has plans to
become a dentist.
I am extremely proud of their perseverance throughout the
years and the fact they stayed with
their instruments through their growing years. Through the drama of
adolescence, through the demands of academics, and the distraction of
boyfriends, they persevered. Week after week, month after month, they kept
going to their lessons, practicing in between and getting better and better at
their craft.
There are so many things music has brought to their lives.
But the most impressive skill is there ability to stay on task. Through music,
they learned to tackle the piece, take it on and work through it until they had
it right. They have brought this strength to everything in their life. Their
academics, their jobs, their mindset is simply: work hard and you will succeed.
As a parent, I can also attest to the positive attention
they've received through their talent. When my oldest moved away
from home, into a dorm for college, she told the story about how on her first
night she was playing a keyboard in her room. At the end of her song she heard
applause from outside the shut door. She opened it and this ‘audience’ were her
new community away from home. What is better then attention from a positive
skill, such as music?
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